Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barack The Vote - With A Song

I don't know if you guys enjoy the political turn this blog has made lately, but this all started as a place for me to put down my thoughts and joys and of course frustrations of my life and right now politics is what is dominating my thoughts and frustrations - and joys. And to the chagrin of my husband, most of my TV viewing. "Seriously? More of this GD election crap?" Well just hold on to your horses there mister you only have ten days left and then I'll be silently basking in the glory of an intelligent president (knocking on any and all wood possible).

But for the time being I have this, sent to me from a reader who I hold dear to my heart as a fellow Obama voter working the campaign grassroots style by sending along many a funny clip that keep the rest us from pulling our hair out over the insanity that has become the Republican campaign. This is her latest find from YouTube. Really funny! Enjoy.

And this is their newest. A pro-Obama jingle to the tune of the 80's hit, Bust A Move. Hillarious, and catchy!

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