Monday, January 21, 2008

God's Gym - I mean, Gold's Gym

Apparently there is a growing number of over-prudent college students in Provo, UT (wow, isn't that the understatement of the year) that feel that the videos being shown at the local Gold's Gym are "extremely indecent, and some are outright pornography". BYU student, Dallen Johnson has had to"run out" of the cardio cinema "four times" because of "racy and inappropriate things being shown". Why are you running, Dallen? What's that in your pocket?

And Jesse Yaffe adds, "Once you are a member here, you basically don't have the choice anymore. You're forced to watch indecent material because it seems everywhere you go there's a TV". I know how you feel, Jesse. I go to the gym and everywhere I turn, there's Emeril fisting a pork loin again. Its enough to make a girl go vegetarian. But here's an idea - if you don't like it don't join. Save your money, ride your blessed bike and avoid this apparent haven of profanity and lust.

This mafia of morality is also threatening to protest if their list of demands are not met within ten days. Demands which include keeping the TV's on "clean and decent" stations and "installing blinds on the Aerobics room to hide the dancing, which is very provacative".

I guess BYU doesn't teach that the best form of protest is not to buy the product.

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