Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Resolution Proclamation

With you as my witness I hereby declare that I will finally complete Jamie's first-year baby book by her second birthday, March 9th, 2008.

Until the completion of said book I will not spend hours:

Watching Tivo'd episodes of The Office.
Planning vacations that I'm never going to go on.
Staring into the mirror wondering what I'd look like with a different hair color.
Reading reviews of books on Amazon instead of reading the actual books.
Searching the internet looking for the cutest possible Elmo party invitation.
Sorting through recipes on to find the very best homemade mac & cheese.
Working on the puzzle we started on Christmas Eve.
Running circles in my head contemplating the existence of God.
Organizing closets that will be disheveled within hours by chubby fingers (the kids' not mine).

If it is not done I shall be held accountable and deemed a maternal failure to the tenth power.

1 comment:

The Dacy Family said...

Get off the computer and start SCRAPPING!! Jeez...