Thursday, May 29, 2008

Only In Portland. . . .

There's more than one reason Oregon is green. Sure, one is the amount of rainfall that we get here, but the other is the amount of Hybrids on our roads. Especially in Portland. Eleven out of every 1,000 households in Portland own a hybrid car - the highest in the country as of 12/06*. In fact, according to an article in Willamette Week from 2002, Portland drivers owned 500 of the first 20,000 Honda and Toyota hybrids sold in the US. And that was back when being "green" wasn't even cool. But Portland isn't the only city making Oregon green. Bend and Eugene also ranked in the top 15 cities buying the most hybrids.

So I suppose it shouldn't have been a surprise to see this parking sign this past weekend, except that hybrids are so common around here, we forget that they're actually something special.

Click HERE to get more info on getting a hybrid of your own!

*According to a report on

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mid-Life Crisis

Watching these guys on stage is like watching your dad - and sadly, now our husbands - relive their high school glory days. You just know its going to end up with Advil and Aspercreme. It's over guys. It was great, but its over. Accept it and move on.

And if you're interested, here's their new song, Summertime. Just as sad, you just don't know all the words. The peek-a-boo belly shot that Donnie gives us halfway through is especially naughty!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Never Forgotten

"The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” - Douglas McArthur.

Thank you to all who have served our nation.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lost In Translaton. . . .

I'm not usually a pirate. I don't steal music or make illegal copies of movies, but we did order a set of 25 Disney movies from Ebay that have been quite obviously copied illegally by one Asian country or another. And its not because we don't want to pay the $22.99 for each movie, its because we can't pay the $22.99 for each movie. They're only available about every 15 years. And since I'm not sure Adam and Jamie will be that interested in Fox and the Hound when they're age twenty, Disney can just bite me on this one.

But along with this special "international" version of Disney movies comes a few surprises. Like, the subtitles. Suprisingly they aren't in Chinese. What they are is a hillarious attempt at English slang which ends up being more entertaining than the movie - at least for the adults. Sometimes the mistakes are understandable. Sometimes they simply make up their own dialogue to go along with what they think is happening in the movie. Other times. . . . well, check out the stills below captured from the timeless and endearing tale of Disney's Lady and the Tramp.

Friday, May 23, 2008

I Got UR Back, Dad. . .

Me: There’s a spot right there.

Damonn: (Silence)

Me: Or. . . there’s another one.

Damonn: (Silence)

Me: Seriously? Why are you still driving? Why do you always have to drive ten minutes, passing three spots before you finally find a spot to land? You seriously need to work on this issue.

Adam: (mumbling from the back seat)

Me/Damonn: What??

Adam: (mumbling louder) What difference does it make?

Damonn: What difference does what make?

Adam: (rolling eyes with the attitude ten years his senior) Which spot he parks in.

Damonn: You sooo just got worked.

Me: (Silence)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Rising . . . .

To clarify things a bit about the last post and Barack Obama visiting Roseburg, that picture came from News Review website, not my camera. I wasn’t actually there.

But I was here. . . . . . . !!!!!

My sister, my 5-month old niece and I made it inside in the last few minutes before Sen. Obama began to speak. We could only see his head because of some damn blue canopy up front and we were denied the precious shade of a tree by a mere three feet, but I would do it again today if I could – only I’d go earlier. 72,000 people made it his largest rally by almost double and if he goes on to be the next President of the United States, as I hope he does, we can say we were there as his supporters in a history-making rally.

Besides the sheer number of people coming out in support of Obama – the Oregonian reported that one in 50 people in Oregon were at Tom McCall Waterfront Park – what I noticed most was that even within such a large crowd and with the temp reaching the high 80’s, everyone was still, well, nice. I recall one man, not an Obama volunteer, just a guy in the crowd, filling up cups of water from the provided faucets and handing them out to people in the crowd. He wasn’t looking for a handout, wasn’t selling anything, he just thought you might like a cup of cold water on a hot day. In another incident, Kim and I were struggling to get her Cadillac of a stroller through the crowd and down some stairs, and a young guy ran up, grabbed the front of the stroller and helped us get where we were going. And with just a single request from an Obama volunteer on a bullhorn, people from the crowd started helping them load up fencing and barricades after the rally. I can’t say for sure what this means. Maybe people were just happy we weren’t standing in the rain for once. What I hope it means is that they feel the way I do. That we’re tired of politicians fighting with each other over technicalities of special interests, tired of them promoting our differences rather than commonalties, tired of campaigns and policy based on fear and fiction. And that we’re ready. Ready to accept the obligation of serving our communities in exchange for a college tuition credit so everyone can afford an education. That those of us in an upper income bracket are ready to pay a bit more in taxes as long as they’re going towards putting not only books, but art and music and science back into the classrooms rather than to fund an endless war. Ready to make the changes in our homes and our habits to promote greener living and alternative energy. That we’re ready to be a part of bringing our country up rather than sitting idly on our hands while we watch it fall apart. And that maybe, the first step is something as simple as answering the call, both literally and figuratively, to break down the barricades.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

This Just In. . . .

Here it is. . . . photographic proof. A democratic candidate campaigning in Roseburg* during a primary presidential election. . . . and people even showed up -1600 of them! Man, the devil is wearing ice skates today. Of course, I'm not sure if all these people showed up to see a presidential hopeful or just to witness a real, live black man.

Click HERE for the story. And HERE to watch the speech!

* For those of you not in the know, Roseburg, OR is my very conservative, very republican hometown.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Things I Love . . .

Although time just doesn't allow me to listen as much as I'd like, Rick Emerson and the crew at AM970 in Portland really are fantastic. They aren't the typical "drive time" radio personalities with funny voices and try-too-hard skits or the in-your-face political fanactics, in fact they pretty much destest those. What they are is hard to explain, but if you are between 25 and 45, have at least a vague knowledge of the pop culture of your youth and today (and enjoy making fun of it), wouldn't be offended by a segment titled "Penis Watch" and don't care about the difference between a primary and a caucus well, then Rick Emerson may be right up your alley.

Listen live Monday thru Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm on AM970


Get a recap of the previous days show at 10:00am weekdays


Download the podcasts of previous shows by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Power of We

As you may have noticed, a few weeks ago I posted an Obama 08 icon on the side bar. I’m not usually one to get that involved in politics. I mean, I’ve always voted and can probably name the presidents and vice presidents of the last thirty years, but I don’t put campaign bumper stickers on my car and the only sign I’ve ever planted in my lawn was one in support of the troops which was there both before and after doing so became a political statement. I’ve never been to a political rally, never given money to a campaign, and never gone knocking door to door drumming up support for any particular candidate. And so I it is surprising to me that I find myself publicly endorsing a particular candidate. And a democratic candidate at that.

I’ve thought for awhile for a way to express why I feel so passionately about Barack Obama and his ideas, but could never put the words to paper. I’ve come to realize in the last couple of weeks exactly why I believe in him so much. It is all about one word. We. His message is about is a sense of commitment, of inspiration, of leadership, of collaboration. Not about what he will do for us, not about what this country should be giving us, but about what should be in reach when you, yourself stand up to grab it. This is a sentiment I believe in whole-heartedly.

I’ve read his plan for the presidency and his book The Audacity of Hope. I’ve listened to his speeches and watched the debates and I believe he can lead the people of this country towards greater things. And if you are tempted to dismiss my opinion as another under-forty, latte-sipping, urban-dwelling (newly minted), blogging liberal, well, then take it from these guys instead. . . . .

The Boys Of Bend (OR)


Flatulence Defined. . . .

. . . . . According to Adam
Fart: (noun) a wet toot.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Proud Mama. . .

Adam read this book last night! We picked it up at the library and he had read half of it by the time we got home. I've heard him sound out various words before but never just pick up a book and read it - it was really a little freaky. And between the booming beats of my proud heart I was totally thinking how the days of Damonn and I spelling unsavory words are quickly coming to an end. D-A-M-N!

Priceless. . .

Was creating a brand new song about poop or having a used Kleenex snowball fight part of your Mother’s Day celebration? I didn’t think so. I’m so much cooler than you.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mom's The Word

I spent several days looking for a poem or a song to say what I wanted. Then I saw this. Leave it to the marketing team for a jewelry store to portray everything it is to be, and to have a mother in a mere 30 second commercial using only one word. Grab the kleenex. . . .

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

Click here to see the video on You Tube.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Things I Love. . . .

This week I'm showcasing the fabulous, the fantastic, the irreplaceable Zip It Drain Cleaner! What is so wonderful about this mere piece of plastic, you ask? Well folks, this is no mere piece of plastic. If you look closely at the picture you will see the upward facing plastic barbs down both sides of the Zip It. Now it is these patented barbs that are the key to the amazing functionality of the Zip It. You simply insert the Zip It into your gunky, clogged, slow-running drain and then pull to remove the grotesque amounts of hair, dirt and shampoo sludge that is keeping your drain from its full potential. What this simple tool removes from your drain will make you vomit and cheer for joy. . . It is THAT good. Seriously folks, fire those expensive plumbers, throw away those harsh chemicals, the Zip It Drain Cleaner is the only tool you need. Don’t believe me? See for your self by following the link below to watch a How To video. Never again will you wade in ankle-deep murkiness or throw money away on an unnecessary plumber. The Zip It Drain Cleaner will save the day!