Although time just doesn't allow me to listen as much as I'd like, Rick Emerson and the crew at AM970 in Portland really are fantastic. They aren't the typical "drive time" radio personalities
with funny voices and try-too-hard skits or the in-your-face political fanactics, in fact they pretty much destest those. What they are is hard to explain, but if you are between 25 and 45, have at least a vague knowledge of the pop culture of your youth and today (and enjoy making fun of it), wouldn't be offended by a segment titled "Penis Watch" and don't care about the difference between a primary and a caucus well, then Rick Emerson may be right up your alley.
Listen live Monday thru Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm on AM970
Get a recap of the previous days show at 10:00am weekdays
Download the podcasts of previous shows by clicking HERE.
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