I love this picture. It depicts what summer should be. Barefeet and watermelon, skinned knees
and sprinklers in your underwear. And it reminds me of what summer has felt like for our family this year as well. We've seen parades and been in parades, had picnics in parks and in our own backyard. We've eaten ice cream, elephant ears and fruit kabobs. We've run through sprinkers (all four of us, but only two in our underwear) and wrestled in the grass until we laughed ourselves silly. We've gathered friends for BBQ's and family for reunions and welcomed more babies than I ever thought possible. But even with this plethora of activities, this has somehow been one of our
most relaxed summers in years. Maybe beause the kids are getting older? Maybe because we aren't scheduled to the hilt? Maybe it's just my outlook on life at the moment. But whatever it is, it has allowed even the busy days of summer to stay pleasant, enjoyable and most of all, fun. And the best part? It's only half over.

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