It took me several tries to write this post. Not because I couldn’t find the words to describe these heavenly morsels
but because every time I started to think about them I would go into some kind of salivary daydream broken only by the drool dripping onto my hands still poised over my keyboard in mid-sentence. This trance is similar to what happens when I open a bag of these crispy devils. I become lost in their savory goodness and the next thing I know my hand is hitting the bottom of the empty bag, fingers digging furiously for those tiny, tiny crumbs way down in the corners. Thank god my head won’t fit in the bag. My only reprieve in this bender of carbs and grease is when I stop to gulp a refreshing beverage that is necessary to curb the onslaught of sodium attacking my tongue. In fact that is my word of advice to you upon trying this bewitching blend flavors: make sure that you do NOT have any potable liquid near you. Don’t even sit near the fish tank. It is your only salvation against following the same path of shame and gluttony that has befallen me. And if you don't believe me. . . take it from the bag itself. . . . . WHEN MUSTARD MET HONEY
Dijon mustard is sophisticated and a bit snooty. Honey is sweet and wild. Sparks fly when they meet… it’s love at first sight. Honey mellows and softens mustard’s sharp edge. Yes, we know, we’re talking about potato chips here. But take a bite of these sweet, savory lovelies and you just might get obsessed. We are. BUY THEM NOW AT MOST GROCERIES STORES!
This sounds like intense satisfaction on many levels...will try. Their salt and black pepper is also delish!
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