For those of you that are planning to vote for McCain/Palin because you prefer his plan for the country over Obama’s, I disagree, but I can respect your difference of opinion. But if you are voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because you have been caught up in the folksy, Joe six-pack, tell-it-straight, reformer sensation that has become Sarah Palin, then there are some things you should know. And if you still choose to cast your vote in their direction after you read this, well, I definitely disagree, but at least I’ve done my duty to the American people.
As Gov. Palin does her best to paint Sen. Obama as an associate of domestic terrorism, let’s remember that it is the governor’s husband, Todd that was a card-carrying member of the Alaskan Independence Party until 2002. What is the AIP? It is a radical political party that strives for state autonomy up to and including secession from the union. You know, secession, like southern states did preceding the Civil War? Now, the Palin family didn’t just associate with people of the AIP. Todd Palin joined! And may I also point out that she is on video, as Governor of Alaska, welcoming AIP members to their convention and applauding their efforts (watch below). "Country First"? I don't think so.
When Governor Palin resurrects the divisive comments of Rev. Wright in an attempt to tie Senator Obama to an ideology he has repeatedly denounced, let’s take a listen to comments from Joe Vogler, the founder of AIP as he declares his hatred for the American government. (watch below) Don’t worry; the Palins aren’t currently associating with him. He was murdered in 1993 during a plastic explosives deal gone bad. Hmmm. . . . what would a radical secessionist want with plastic explosives?
When Governor Palin botches former secretary of state, Madeleine Albright’s quote that she lifted from a Starbucks coffee cup in an attempt to garner support for herself at a women's rally, let’s remember how supportive of women she was as Mayor of Wasilla when she made rape victims pay for their own forensic rape kits. And what did she do for them as Governor of a state with the highest rate of sexual assault? She passed a law making it illegal to buy or sell Quentin Tarantino's "rapist" action figure. I'm not even kidding.
When she talks of fiscal responsibility and lowering taxes let’s not forget that she raised the sales tax in Wasilla. Not for schools. Not for forensic rape kits. For a sports complex. A sports complex that was built on land not yet owned outright by the city and after years of court proceedings to get ownership, the city has been left millions of dollars in debt.
When she boasts of taking on Washington-style politics and having an open and transparent government let’s look at how quickly the unanimous, bi-partisan "Troopergate" investigation into her abuse of power as Governor has been shut down. In fact the Attorney General of Alaska – appointed by Palin – was advising government employees to ignore subpoenas to testify in the investigation - at least until Alaska Superior Court told him otherwise. Is this not “Washington-style cronyism” at its best?
And when Sarah Palin reminds us again and again of how she said “no thanks” to that “Bridge to Nowhere” let us remember that she was for it during her run for governor, but changed her mind by the time she got there and the earmark was the laughing stock of the nation and no longer politically advantageous .
When Governor Palin claims to live by Christian principles, she is apparently not referring to Jesus’ request of doing for the least of our brothers; otherwise she would not be ignoring the Native Alaskans in the state’s rural bush region where people live without basic necessities like power, water, schools and police. Where children drown while playing on community sewer barrels because there are no parks – or indoor plumbing. Where there is no working fire truck to put out a fire at the only school. Where there are no police to investigate sexual assaults – or charge people for forensic rape kits.
When she tells that cute story with the great punch line about putting the Governor’s jet on Ebay, it is important to remember that it didn’t actually sell. It was sold later - at a loss.
When she took credit during the vice-presidential debate for divesting state funds out of companies aiding genocide in Darfur, she didn’t mention that it wasn’t her idea. Or that she ignored the request from her representatives for over a year. But bless her socially conscious heart for thinking globally.
When she touts her heritage and experience as a great hunter in Alaska she forgets to elaborate that her idea of hunting includes shooting indigenous wolves from a helicopter.
And last but most certainly not least, when she speaks of foreign policy let’s remember she simply has no idea whatsoever what she is talking about.
This post is not about helping Obama win the White House; he’s doing pretty well with that on his own. This is about protecting our government, our country – our citizens, from the inexperience, hypocrisy and often, out-right lies of Governor Palin. It is about keeping someone pretending to represent the women of America, pretending to support the little guy, and pretending to be a heart-felt patriot out of the White House and out of my government.
Saturday at a rally in Florida Governor Palin declared, “the heels are on, the gloves are off”. Well so be it, lady. But your biggest fight will not be with the Obama campaign. It will be with the informed citizens of this country that are no longer willing to sit back and allow self-serving, narrow-minded, lying nit-wits represent us and our country. We want intelligence. We want compassion. We want leadership. We don’t want you.
Could you have possibly made it more clear? Bravo!
Two things Ms. Suburban blogger: 1) Your arguments are strong, but they would be made stronger by referencing your sources. How does a reader know this isn't blatant propaganda? Only the sources make that distinction. I'm ready to believe you, but I can't quite. Usually sourcing something like the Washington Post guarantees that the sources have been checked before going to print--adds credibility to your argument.
2) What I like about your editorials vs. the ones I get emailed to me is this: I have to go and GET them. My choice to avail myself to the opportunity to survey your thoughtful (and pretty much respectful) perspective. I,too, love the freedom of print here in the land that we love. Hoorah!
3) Bonus: while you overtly respect your readers' right to have a disparate position, you imply another stance, but such is your right. It's your blog! Great invention.
Thanks for sharing. I'm listening.
I have referenced every one of my sources. The blue words in each paragraph are links to corresponding articles from a variety of sources.
I encourage you to follow the links for more detail information on each of my claims. And if you really want to read about what is going on in Alaska's politics, check out AKMuckracker has been blogging about the swamp that is Alaskan politics way before Gov. Palin hit the national scene.
Excellent...simply excellent. Is there any way to get this to FOX News?
Once again, you state the facts to allow people the opportunity to use their brain to understand facts from hype. Let's hope the base they vote on the facts; not the hype.
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