Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Priest, a Rabbi and an Imam walk into a bar. . .

Well not quite, but if they did we might see more world peace.

I've recently been reading a book titled, "The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew-- Three Women Search for Understanding" which is the diary of three women who sat down to write a children's book about the commonalities of their three faiths and ended up with a friendship that endured not only the discovery of differing faiths, but the dissection of their own and in turn a revelation of what each holds to be their own personal truth. It is a wonderful read that demonstrates just how similarly rooted our religions are, and how connected we all are as human beings in our search for that connection and guidance from something greater than ourselves.

One great thing I took from this book was the permission to question religion, including a quote, by an Episcopalian priest, "The opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty. It's okay to have doubt, everyone does." If we could all find the courage to ask these questions of ourselves and each other and listen to the answers provided without judgement, our earth could be a much more peaceful place.

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