Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Power Of Democracy. . . and MS Paint

A year of watching debates and obsessing over polls and making calls and spreading the word. The power of democracy all comes down to a tiny little oval on a piece of paper. . . . .

And because I'm really not that mature, it was all I could do not to scribble out the names of John McCain and Sarah Palin in an extremely childish fashion. But alas, the temporary joy of vandalizing their names was just not worth invalidating my ballot and my vote.

So I made a copy.

Ah, that feels better.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barack The Vote - With A Song

I don't know if you guys enjoy the political turn this blog has made lately, but this all started as a place for me to put down my thoughts and joys and of course frustrations of my life and right now politics is what is dominating my thoughts and frustrations - and joys. And to the chagrin of my husband, most of my TV viewing. "Seriously? More of this GD election crap?" Well just hold on to your horses there mister you only have ten days left and then I'll be silently basking in the glory of an intelligent president (knocking on any and all wood possible).

But for the time being I have this, sent to me from a reader who I hold dear to my heart as a fellow Obama voter working the campaign grassroots style by sending along many a funny clip that keep the rest us from pulling our hair out over the insanity that has become the Republican campaign. This is her latest find from YouTube. Really funny! Enjoy.

And this is their newest. A pro-Obama jingle to the tune of the 80's hit, Bust A Move. Hillarious, and catchy!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pop Goes The Weasel

Tonight as I was washing dishes I suddenly noticed that Jamie was not at my feet badgering me to "help" with the dishes. Things were a little too quiet. . . . .

"Jamie, where are you?"

"You talkin' do meee?", she screeched popping up from under the kitchen table with this face:

"Yes, I'm talking to you. What are you doing down there?"


"Of course you are. What else are you doing down there?"


"Your face says otherwise. I hope."

What's Wrong With This Picture?

That's right, those look like donkeys to me! And what is that word up there on her shoulder? Oh my, it seems even Sarah Palin secretly wants to vote for Obama. Or maybe this is just what she would call "reaching across the aisle". Either way she better hold onto that scarf. She's going to need it to dry her "Real-American" tears come November 5th.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Learning Curve

I don’t know why I have such a hard time with this, but I never remember my re-usable cloth grocery bags until I’m standing in line to pay for my groceries. (Any tips on helping me remember are gladly accepted.) And this again was the case as Jamie and I stood in line at our local Albertson’s yesterday afternoon. So, in my attempt to be a good global citizen I requested paper as my best second choice over plastic (our disposal company doesn’t recycle plastic bags) and my checker was happy to comply. The next few minutes included my flirting with Jamie sitting in the cart behind the checker and the checker’s incessant, one-sided conversation about the great deal her daughter got on diapers at a competing store. Mmm. Uh-huh. Oh yes. Of course. Uh-huh. So I didn’t notice until I was walking back to my car that she had bagged the first sack of groceries in paper and then proceeded to bag the rest in plastic. Not only were they in plastic, but three of my items (sliced swiss cheese, Swiffer mop pads and eggs) were in their own, individual plastic bags. Was I supposed to specify paper for each bag of groceries? Or that I would like more than one item to be placed in each bag?

I’m quite aware how this story makes me sound – Something akin the to the “uppities” that would come into Abby’s Pizza where I worked in Roseburg for their $1.25 glass of box wine and swap stories in positively horrific tones about how last weekend they cut loose and drank wine out of a beer glass! Oh, the impropriety of such a crime! She actually had the audacity to use PLASTIC for her groceries! Ah-gad! Can you imagine being so grotesque? But I’m trying to be aware. I’m trying to do my best as an individual and using non-biodegradable plastic bags for each one of my grocery items seems a pretty obvious thing to avoid. I say, as I jot down a note to pick up more non-biodegradable mop pads.

We’re all still learning.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Favorite Time Of Year

I love this time of year. The crisp weather, the changing leaves and for most of the month, blue skies that beat any summer day hands down. I found this video that reflects all the things I love about October. Turn it up to hear one of my favorite songs in the background.

Happy Autumn!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mommy Meltdown

Today has been one of those days. One of those days where you cannot take one more grimy toddler hand streaked across your shirt or one more sassy comment or even so much as another simple question like, "Why?" "Why do I have to eat my dinner?", "Why do I have to get my diaper changed?", "Why can't I stand in front of the TV?" "Why can't I eat my boogers?" Why? WHY? WHY? Because, BECAUSE, BECAUSE! Because I effing said so, that's why!!!

I don't want to hear one more whiny word. I don't want even one more single, solitary request to be made of me. There will be no more eating tonight, no more stories and I swear to all that is holy if you get out of bed one more time I will staple your GD diaper to the sheets. I want it to be silent, I want to be left alone and I do not want one more finger to be laid upon me. That means you too, Damonn.

I have been bonked in the head, had my lip split and my fingers stepped on. I have prepared and cleaned and laundered and soothed and disciplined and entertained to the brink of insanity. I don't care if the dog looked at you. I don't care if your sister has one more Goldfish cracker than you do. In fact, at this moment it would take all the gumption I could muster to care if one of you happened to be bleeding. And also - Chutes & Ladders is a stupid, stupid game of perpetual parental torture. AaarrrgggHHH!!

Where is the GD wine? And cookies.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Did You Hear The News?

President Bush has solved all our economic woes. He took a course in Photoshop and has started to print new money - the Zero dollar bill. Let's party like its 1929!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Vote No For Palin

I believe in freedom of speech. It is what allows me to post my thoughts and views on this blog without censorship from the government. I believe in allowing people their own opinions and the opportunity to voice them. Without the opportunity to hear these opinions we miss out on a great depth of perspective, insight and knowledge that comes only from listening to what others have to say. That’s why I allow comments on each of my posts. I will defend these rights to the best of my ability. But there comes a time when as person’s statements become so distorted, so fraught with inaccuracy and hypocrisy, and the stakes become too high, to simply disagree. It becomes your duty as a citizen to make the whole story known.

For those of you that are planning to vote for McCain/Palin because you prefer his plan for the country over Obama’s, I disagree, but I can respect your difference of opinion. But if you are voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because you have been caught up in the folksy, Joe six-pack, tell-it-straight, reformer sensation that has become Sarah Palin, then there are some things you should know. And if you still choose to cast your vote in their direction after you read this, well, I definitely disagree, but at least I’ve done my duty to the American people.

As Gov. Palin does her best to paint Sen. Obama as an associate of domestic terrorism, let’s remember that it is the governor’s husband, Todd that was a card-carrying member of the Alaskan Independence Party until 2002. What is the AIP? It is a radical political party that strives for state autonomy up to and including secession from the union. You know, secession, like southern states did preceding the Civil War? Now, the Palin family didn’t just associate with people of the AIP. Todd Palin joined! And may I also point out that she is on video, as Governor of Alaska, welcoming AIP members to their convention and applauding their efforts (watch below). "Country First"? I don't think so.

When Governor Palin resurrects the divisive comments of Rev. Wright in an attempt to tie Senator Obama to an ideology he has repeatedly denounced, let’s take a listen to comments from Joe Vogler, the founder of AIP as he declares his hatred for the American government. (watch below) Don’t worry; the Palins aren’t currently associating with him. He was murdered in 1993 during a plastic explosives deal gone bad. Hmmm. . . . what would a radical secessionist want with plastic explosives?

When Governor Palin botches former secretary of state, Madeleine Albright’s quote that she lifted from a Starbucks coffee cup in an attempt to garner support for herself at a women's rally, let’s remember how supportive of women she was as Mayor of Wasilla when she made rape victims pay for their own forensic rape kits. And what did she do for them as Governor of a state with the highest rate of sexual assault? She passed a law making it illegal to buy or sell Quentin Tarantino's "rapist" action figure. I'm not even kidding.

When she talks of fiscal responsibility and lowering taxes let’s not forget that she raised the sales tax in Wasilla. Not for schools. Not for forensic rape kits. For a sports complex. A sports complex that was built on land not yet owned outright by the city and after years of court proceedings to get ownership, the city has been left millions of dollars in debt.

When she boasts of taking on Washington-style politics and having an open and transparent government let’s look at how quickly the unanimous, bi-partisan "Troopergate" investigation into her abuse of power as Governor has been shut down. In fact the Attorney General of Alaska – appointed by Palin – was advising government employees to ignore subpoenas to testify in the investigation - at least until Alaska Superior Court told him otherwise. Is this not “Washington-style cronyism” at its best?

And when Sarah Palin reminds us again and again of how she said “no thanks” to that “Bridge to Nowhere” let us remember that she was for it during her run for governor, but changed her mind by the time she got there and the earmark was the laughing stock of the nation and no longer politically advantageous .

When Governor Palin claims to live by Christian principles, she is apparently not referring to Jesus’ request of doing for the least of our brothers; otherwise she would not be ignoring the Native Alaskans in the state’s rural bush region where people live without basic necessities like power, water, schools and police. Where children drown while playing on community sewer barrels because there are no parks – or indoor plumbing. Where there is no working fire truck to put out a fire at the only school. Where there are no police to investigate sexual assaults – or charge people for forensic rape kits.

When she tells that cute story with the great punch line about putting the Governor’s jet on Ebay, it is important to remember that it didn’t actually sell. It was sold later - at a loss.

When she took credit during the vice-presidential debate for divesting state funds out of companies aiding genocide in Darfur, she didn’t mention that it wasn’t her idea. Or that she ignored the request from her representatives for over a year. But bless her socially conscious heart for thinking globally.

When she touts her heritage and experience as a great hunter in Alaska she forgets to elaborate that her idea of hunting includes shooting indigenous wolves from a helicopter.

And last but most certainly not least, when she speaks of foreign policy let’s remember she simply has no idea whatsoever what she is talking about.

This post is not about helping Obama win the White House; he’s doing pretty well with that on his own. This is about protecting our government, our country – our citizens, from the inexperience, hypocrisy and often, out-right lies of Governor Palin. It is about keeping someone pretending to represent the women of America, pretending to support the little guy, and pretending to be a heart-felt patriot out of the White House and out of my government.

Saturday at a rally in Florida Governor Palin declared, “the heels are on, the gloves are off”. Well so be it, lady. But your biggest fight will not be with the Obama campaign. It will be with the informed citizens of this country that are no longer willing to sit back and allow self-serving, narrow-minded, lying nit-wits represent us and our country. We want intelligence. We want compassion. We want leadership. We don’t want you.

I Can't Believe I Just Said That

We've started a new rule in our house. When you are done with dinner you take your plate to the kitchen, then grab a Clorox wipe and wipe down your chair and area at the table. It has been working wonderfully - clean table, engaged kids, family teamwork. Until last night when I was forced to utter this sentence:

"If you guys keep fighting you will both go to a time out! There are plenty of things for both of you to clean!"

Maybe its working a little too well. Sigh.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Older Brothers! Sigh.

After hours of listening to Jamie sing Old MacDonald on auto-repeat usually alternating between a cow and a pig, Adam decided to join in and add his own flair. . . .

Old MacDonald had a farm. EIEIO! And on his farm he had - DIARRHEA! EIEIOOOOWWWW! (both of them laughing hysterically)

Jamie (suddenly very serious and confused): Wat di-REEah?

Leave it to an older brother to take an innocent toddler song and interject Kindergarten potty talk. Boys!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Knit One Save One

I don't remember how I got there, but the other day I came across an advertisement for the Knit One Save One campaign sponsored by Save The Children. Knit One Save One is a grass-roots operation collecting hand-knitted or crocheted hats from all over the U.S. for babies in developing countries. It is part of the larger Survive to 5 campaign that is working to raise awareness of preventable newborn deaths and providing basic health measures to help children survive past their fifth birthday.

Every year, more than 9 million children in the developing world die before they reach the age of 5. That means about 25,000 children under 5 are dying every day! Many of these deaths are from preventable or treatable illnesses like pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, measles and complications related to childbirth. Nearly four million of these deaths occur to newborns – babies less than one month old. A critical element in the solution is the availability of a local community health worker. Save the Children trains community health workers to deliver life-saving care to women and children in remote areas and provides Better Beginnings for Babies Kits to expectant mothers. These kits contain items to promote better hygiene at delivery and promote proper care of newborns. And this is where Knit One Save One project comes into play. Each Better Beginnings for Babies Kit includes a knitted hat that helps keep a baby warm in those first critical hours and days after birth.

Isn't it amazing that something so simple can help save a life? That's why I decided to get busy. I haven't a clue how to knit, but I did learn to crochet as a little girl. So even though I hadn't picked up a crochet hook in over twenty years, I gave it a shot. It took me a few tries and a refresher course of directions downloaded from the internet, but low and behold - a hat!

It may not be the best looking thing and it is certainly filled with it's share of imperfect stitches, but is also filled with the love and good wishes of one mother to another.

So I'm asking you to join the cause. If you already know how to knit or crochet, fantastic! You'll be able to whip one of these up in a couple of hours. If not, these simple crocheting stitches are super easy to learn - believe me - and you'll have a hat finished in a few evenings. Give it a try. Even if you only make one, even if it isn't pretty, you're still making a difference. Like Mother Teresa always liked to say, “It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.”

Click HERE for some basic crocheting instructions.

Click HERE for more info on the Knit One Save One campaign.

If you don't have the time or ability to knit a hat click
HERE to donate a Better Beginnings for Babies Kit. It's only $10!

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Rules vary by state but in Oregon, you must be registered by October 14th to vote (for Barack Obama) in the general election on November 4th. So if you aren't yet registered it's time to get on it, people! It's really, really easy. In fact, in Oregon your lazy ass doesn't even have to leave the house - you can register online and we vote (for Barack Obama) by mail! (Click HERE for info if you don't live in Oregon) So even you recluses out there wearing kleenex boxes on your feet and living vicariously through online episodes of The Girls Next Door can make your voices heard without actually talking to a single, real-live person. It doesn't get easier than this. C'mon guys let's make our self-serving, over-indulgent, lazy, American asses, patriotic, self-serving, over-indulgent, lazy American asses for once in our lives!


I am voting for Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Please Sir, May I Have Some More?

Adam is apparently auditioning for the lead role in Oliver Twist.

Damonn and I have today off so this morning he took Adam to school rather than dropping him off at daycare before work. As they were walking to class, one of the secretaries flagged Damonn’s attention and asked if we we’re interested in signing Adam up to have breakfast in the mornings before school. She went on to explain that she was asking only because Adam had come to her last week saying that he was hungry and asking to eat breakfast and that she was concerned that he might not be getting it at home.

Damonn thanked her for her concern and then explained to this sweet, unsuspecting secretary, that Adam eats, at a minimum, one breakfast at daycare and on most days another beforehand at home and that most likely it was the idea of going through that cafeteria line that spurred his question rather than actual hunger. We also explained to Adam that two breakfasts before 8:00am is entirely sufficient and that he need not be begging for food at school no matter how cool it seems to eat with “the big kids”.

Although it is beyond embarrassing to have someone think you’re not feeding your kid, it makes me proud and rest more assured that Adam is not afraid to ask for something he needs or wants when we’re not around. As for myself at that age, being ever afraid of causing trouble, making a scene, or simply doing something generally wrong, I would have sat there and died of starvation before asking for food not offered to me and most likely balked at taking it if it was. It’s just nice to know we’re raising a confident, secure kid – with an apparently insatiable appetite.