Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Speaking of Knotting A Noose

The other day while waiting in the doctor's office for the infamous "kindergarten shots" to arrive, Adam was looking through a little tablet of games our pediatrician gave him as a prize for being such a good patient.

"Why does this man have a sad face?" he asked, holding up this picture.

"Ummm. . . uh. . . because he doesn't feel good."

Which got me thinking. . . . . who in the world thought this was a good idea? "Yeah, I don't know, little Billie is having such a time remembering if i goes before e maybe I could come up with a game for him to practice his spelling. Oh, I know, I'll have him guess the letters of the words and each time he misses we'll add a body part to this here gallow drawing until he's spelled the word or has a whole dead body hanging up there. Oh, this will be such fun. We could even teach it in all the schools across the country so everyone can practice spelling by drawing dismembered body parts. It'll be a sensation!

Why didn't we think this was creepy when we were kids?

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