Monday, April 14, 2008

Little Signs You're Doing Something Right. . .

Our recent spot of fabulous weather encouraged me to delve into the summer leftovers of kid’s clothes this weekend to see what still fits or what can be handed down. I love doing this. Between the hand-me-downs we get and our off-season clearance sale purchases, it's part rummage sale, part nostalgia – two of my great weaknesses.

As I dug through the large Rubbermaid tubs labeled “Big Clothes” I came across a T-shirt with “FOR SALE, My Sister” printed in a large, garage sale-type sign across the chest. Someone bought this for Adam when Jamie was born and being that it was a size 4/5, I had held onto it waiting for it to fit. It was still a tad on the large side but held it up to show Adam, reading to him what it said.

He just stared at me for a second and then said, “Why would a shirt say that?”

Obviously he didn’t understand so I tried to explain the joke. “You know how sometimes Jamie is really bugging you and you just want her to go away and leave you alone? Well, this is just a silly way of saying that. Its just pretend that you’d like to sell her so she can’t bug you anymore.”

He stared at me again, blinking, and then said, “Well, even when she’s bugging me I still love her.”

Of course. It’s moments like these that make up for all the times they crap in their pants.

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